On China

史部 | Henry Kissinger

"In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the ...

PREFACE CHAPTER 1 - The Singularity of China CHAPTER 2 - The Kowtow Question and the Opium War CHAPTER 3 - From Preeminence to Decline CHAPTER 4 - Mao’s Continuous Revolution CHAPTER 5 - Triangular Diplomacy and the Korean War CHAPTER 6 - China Confronts Both Superpowers CHAPTER 7 - A Decade of Crises CHAPTER 8 - The Road to Reconciliation CHAPTER 9 - Resumption of Relations: First Encounters with Mao and Zhou CHAPTER 10 - The Quasi-Alliance: Conversations with Mao CHAPTER 11 - The End of the Mao Era CHAPTER 12 - The Indestructible Deng CHAPTER 13 - “Touching the Tiger’s Buttocks” The Third Vietnam War CHAPTER 14 - Reagan and the Advent of Normalcy CHAPTER 15 - Tiananmen CHAPTER 16 - What Kind of Reform? Deng’s Southern Tour CHAPTER 17 - A Roller Coaster Ride Toward Another Reconciliation The Jiang ... CHAPTER 18 - The New Millennium

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On China by Henry Kissinger

2021-1-6 18:26

No student of military affairs would have thought it conceivable that the People’s Liberation Army, barely finished with the civil war and largely equipped with captured Nationalist weapons, would ta ...登录后阅读完整内容

