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6、A637 Chinese Militar分Jie Tian Justin MaThe Way of Archery provides a detailed intro-duction to practicing archery in the traditionalChinese military style.It explains the basicsof how to shoot using the Asian thumb ring:proper posture,training regimen,equipment,and avoiding pitfalls in shooting.The thoroughtranslation and commentary,with original andnew illustrations,provide a fresh and practicalperspective on Gao Ying's 1637 archery treatise(which,itself,influenced generations of archersin East Asia).The authors themselves are activepractitioners of Chinese archery,havingspent an endless amount of time and effortvetting their understanding of this old manualand putting its ideas into practice.Through thisprocess,the authors have made the fullarchery text accessible to English-speakingaudiences for the first time.While coming to understand the technicalside of the Way of Archery,today's archers willconnect with the philosophy and spirit of theancient Chinese warriors.4880 Lower Valley Road Atglen,PA 19310Printed in ChinaJie Tian is a native of Jiangsu.China and has a Mastersin Economics from SUNYUniversity at Buffalo.Justin Ma is a software engineerwith a PhD in Computer Sciencefrom UC San Diego.As researchers of traditional Chinese militaryarchery.they have taught and lectured at thefollowing events:the 2013/2014 Chinese ArcheryProgram(Georgia,USA);the 2013 St.George'sShoot(Somerset,England);and the 2013 AsianArchery Exchange(California,USA).At the 2013Flight Archery Championships,Jie won gold inthe broadhead division and Justin won gold in theregular division for the new "Modern Asiatic 50#"class (each setting benchmark records for theirdivisions).Jie's broader interests involve introduciinternational audiences to Chinese culture.Justinpreviously participated in Wushu as World WushuChampionships judge,U.S.Team Trials tournamentdirector,and two-time U.S.Team athlete.www.thewayofarchery.com
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