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@Chris Monaghan and Nicola MonaghanROUTLEDGEWhether you're new to higher education,coming to legal study for the first time or justwondering what Contract Law is all about,Beginning Contract Law is the idealintroduction to help you hit the ground running.Starting with the basics and an overviewof each topic,it will help you come to terms with the structure,themes and issues of thesubject so that you can begin your Contract Law module with confidence.Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailedglossary,Chris Monaghan and Nicola Monaghan break the subject of Contract Law downusing practical,everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone,whatever theirbackground.Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues,important cases areidentified and explained and on-the-spot questions help you recognise potential issuesor debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence.Beginning Contract Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB,GDL or ILEXstudents,and especially international students,those enrolled on distance-learning coursesor on other degree programmes.Chris Monaghan is a Lecturer in Law at BPP University College in London.Nicola Monaghan is a Barrister and Senior Tutor in Law at Coventry University LondonCampus.Beginning the LawA new introductory series designed to help you master the basics and progress withconfidence.Publishing Spring 2013:Beginning Constitutional Law,Nick HowardBeginning Contract Law,Chris Monaghan and Nicola MonaghanBeginning Criminal Law,Claudia Carr and Maureen JohnsonBeginning Equity and Trusts,Mohamed RamjohnFollowing in Spring 2014:Beginning Employment Law,James MarsonBeginning Evidence,Chanjit Singh LandaBeginning Human Rights,Howard Davisww.routledge.com/cw/beginningthelaw
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