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An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(1980)as Uniform Sales Law
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An International ApproachUnited Nations Conventionon Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods(18)as Uniform Sales LawEdited b时John Felemegaswww.cambridge.org/9780521868723An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United NationsConvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(1980)asUniform Sales LawIn 1980,the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)came into being as an attempt to create a uniform commercial sales law.This book compares two major restatements-the UNIDROIT Principles andthe Principles of European Contract Law(PECL)-with CISG articles.In thiswork scholars and legal practitioners from twenty countries contribute analysison the various issues covered in the articles of the CISG,comparing them withhow each issue is treated in the UNIDROIT and PECL restatements.Theintroductory section of the book addresses theoretical and practical issues of theappropriate interpretive methodology as mandated in CISG Article 7,and it isfollowed by individual analyses of the Convention's provisions.John Felemegas is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the Faculty of Law,University ofTechnology,Sydney,where he teaches International Sale of Goods and EquityTrusts.He also conducts legal research and writing as Fellow of the Institute ofInternational Commercial Law,Pace University School of Law in New York.Hismain research interest is the interpretation of the CISG,and he has publishedhis work in the Review of the Convention on Contracts for the InternationalSale of Goods,the Pace International Law Review,and the Vindobona Journalof International Commercial Law and Arbitration.
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