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CONTEMPORARY COMMERCIAL LAWinforma lawfrom RoutledgeCAUSATION IN INSURANCECONTRACT LAWSecond EditionMEIXIAN SONGCAUSATION IN INSURANCECONTRACT LAWCausation is a crucial and complex matter in ascertaining whether a particularloss or damage is covered in an insurance policy or in a tort claim,and is anissue that cannot be escaped.Now in its second edition,this unique book assists practitioners inanswering one of the most important questions faced in the handling ofinsurance and tort claims.Through extensive case law analysis,this bookscrutinises the causation theory in marine insurance and non-marineinsurance law,and provides a comparative study of the causation test intort law.In addition,the author expertly applies causation questions inconcrete scenarios,and ultimately,this book provides a single-volumesolution to a very complex but essential question of insurance law and tortlaw.Thoroughly revised and updated throughout to include the InsuranceAct 2015,several landmark cases and potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,the second edition also features an introduction re-writtento clarify elementary and central questions of causation in insurance lawand tort.Additionally,it also provides three brand new chapters on factualcausation and legal causation,causation and interpretation,and causationand measure of losses to provide a deeper and more thorough analysis,comparing academic approaches and juridical approaches to addressingcausation issues in insurance claims.This book is an invaluable and unique guide for insurance industryprofessionals,as well as legal practitioners,academics and students in thefields of insurance and tort law.Meixian Song is Associate Professor at Dalian Maritime University andeditor of Lloyd's Shipping and Trade Law.Meixian was lecturer at theUniversity of Exeter,then joined the University of Southampton.Meixian'sresearch interest lies in maritime law and commercial law.Her recentresearch articles were published in Legal Studies,Lloyd's Maritime andCommercial Law Quarterly and the Journal of Business Law.CONTEMPORARY COMMERCIAL LAWMaritime Law in ChinaBlockchain Technology and the LawEmerging Issues and Future DevelopmentsOpportunities and RisksJingbo ZhangThird Party Protection in ShippingIllegality in Marine Insurance LawCarlo CorcioneFeng WangMulti-sided Music Plat formsInsurance Law Implications of Delay inand the LawMaritime TransportCopyright,Law and Policy in AfricaChijioke Ifeoma OkorieOnline ArbitrationComparative Analysis of InterimMeasuresInterim Remedies (England Wales)vDouble Insurance and ContributionPreservation Measures (China)Nisha MohamedVivek Jain,Thomas Macey-Dare OC andShengnan JiaThe Law and Autonomous VehiclesKnock-for-Knock Indemnitiesand the LawContractual Limitation and DelictualFIDIC Yellow BookLiabilityA CommentaryEdited by Kristoffer Svendsen,EndreBen BeaumontStavang and Greg GordonThe Contract of CarriageManaging Inter national Trade RiskMultimodal Transport and UnimodalCustoms,Revenue and VATRegulationCompliancePaula BackdenMark RowbothamFIDIC Red BookCompany Directors'Liability and theA CommentaryProtection of CreditorsBen BeaumontAndrew KaeyFor more infor mation about this series,please visit:www.routledge.com/Contemporary-Commercial-Law/book-series/CCL
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