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EDITED BYDacian C.Dragos.Kirsi-Maria HalonenEEBogdana Neamtu Steen TreumerElgarContract ChangesTHE DARK SIDE OF EU PROCUREMENT LAWEUROPEAN PROCUREMENT LAWContract ChangesEUROPEAN PROCUREMENT LAWSeries Editors:Roberto Caranta,Turin University,Italy and Kirsi-MariaHalonen,University of Lapland,FinlandPublic procurement is a highly significant and growing area of legal practice.Each book in this series addresses one of the most pressing topics in EU publicprocurement law and practice,taking a comparative approach and combiningcross-cutting thematic chapters with detailed country information.This isboth valuable and necessary in understanding how public procurement law isdeveloped and applied-or misapplied-in the EU and in its Member States.In so doing,the series hopes to inspire new approaches and offer guidance inapplying the principles and basic (though at times very detailed)rules.Theclear descriptions of the practices,regulations,case law and interpretationsof public procurement law throughout the EU will assist practitioners bothin better understanding the rules as applied in their own jurisdiction and indeveloping best practices.The books are written by academics and expertsfrom a broad range of Member States who have worked closely together since2010 in a cross-border research group specialized in public procurement law.Titles in the series include:Modernising Public ProcurementThe Approach of EU Member StatesEdited by Steen Treumer and Mario CombaTransparency in EU ProcurementsDisclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract ExecutionEdited by Roberto Caranta,Kirsi-Maria Halonen and Albert Sanchez-GraellsPublic-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EUAn Unfinished Legislative FrameworkEdited by Piotr Bogdanowicz,Roberto Caranta and Pedro TellesCentralising Public ProcurementThe Approach of EU Member StatesEdited by Carina Risvig Hamer and Mario CombaContract ChangesThe Dark Side of EU Procurement LawEdited by Dacian C.Dragos,Kirsi-Maria Halonen,Bogdana Neamtu andSteen Treumer
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