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FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East:A Practical Guide to Application

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FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East:A Practical Guide to Application
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EDITED BYDONALD CHARRETTFIDIC CONTRACTSIN AFRICA ANDTHE MIDDLE EASTA Practical Guide toApplicationPractical Legal Guides for Constructioninforma lawand Technology Projectsfrom RoutledgeThis publication is an essential navigation tool and practical application guide for con-struction lawyers,consultants,employers and contractors.Dr Donald Charrett as editorand his impressive team of expert contributors commendably achieved the aim of expertlyidentifying and lucidly explaining and illustrating the applicable laws that may impact onthe operation of FIDIC contracts in Africa and the Middle East,the execution of the worksand the determination of disputes arising therefrom.Tjaart van der Walt,Senior Counsel of the MaiselsGroup of Advocates in Sandton,FCIArb,FAArb.Construction ADR Practitioner and Vice-chair of theAssociation of Arbitrators (Southern Africa)The management ofa construction contract is the management ofrisk.This book is essen-tial reading for any contractor or consultant wanting to work or working in the African orMiddle East regions,to understand the commercial and legal risks that might be encoun-tered,finding some appropriate risk responses and where additional information can besourced.Ian Massey,CEng,FICE,MSAICE,Director MDAConsulting (Pty)Ltd,FIDIC Presidents List AdjudicatorThis is another valuable book in the series that FIDIC users in the international commu-nity must have at hand.The introduction chapter at the start of this book helpfully coverssome of the most pertinent,current issues such as key construction law principles,lexconstructionis and COVID-19-related matters.The practical insight in this book givesreaders a penetrative understanding of international construction contracts in our modernworld,and good guidance on the effective use of FIDIC contracts.Yvonne Foo,Partner,Harry Elias PartnershipA crucial compendium written by some of the most knowledgeable FIDIC practitioners.Practical and focused on regions that are often undeservedly overlooked,this book is agame-changer and sure to become an indispensable resource for anyone who aspires toexcel in contract administration and legal aspects of the construction sector.Aarta Alkarimi,FCIArb,Founding Partner.Chrysalis LLPAn important book that is sure to be welcomed by construction practitioners in Africa andthe Middle East which superbly addresses important aspects of local law in the context ofthe FIDIC suite of contracts and in which the expertise of the chapter authors and editorshines through.Recommended!Adrian Cole,FZ LLE,Independent Arbitratorand MediatorTaylor FrancisTaylor Francis Grouphttp://taylorandfrancis.com
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