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Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea:Limitations on Party Autonomy
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JURISDICTION ANDARBITRATION AGREEMENTSIN CONTRACTS FOR THECARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEALIMITATIONS ON PARTY AUTONOMYJONATAN ECHEBARRIA FERNANDEZinforma lawfrom RoutledgeJURISDICTION AND ARBITRATIONAGREEMENTS IN CONTRACTS FOR THECARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEAMARITIME AND TRANSPORT LAW LIBRARYMARITIME AND TRANSPORT LAW LIBRARYShip Building.Sale and FinanceThe Law of WreckEdited by Baris Soyer and Andrew TettenbornNicholas Gaskell and Craig ForrestThe Modern Law of Marine InsuranceCodification of Maritime LawVolume 4Challenges.Possibilities and ExperienceEdited by D.Rhidian ThomasEdited by Zuzanna Peplowska-Dabrowska andJustyna NawrotAir Cargo InsuranceMalcom A.Clarke and George LeloudasTransport Documents in Carriage Of Goodsby SeaOffshore Oil and Gas Installations SecurityAn International PerspectiveCaslav PejovicMikhail KashubskyMaritime LawInternational Trade and Carriage of GoodsFifth EditionEdited by Baris Soyer and Andrew TettenbornEdited by Yvonne BaatzMaritime Law and Practice in ChinaShip Operations:New Risks.Liabilities andLiang Zhao and Lianjun LiTechnologies in the Maritime SectorEdited by Baris Soyer and Andrew TettenbornMaritime Cross-Border InsolvencyLia AthanassiouMaritime Safety in EuropeEdited by Justyna Nawrot and Zuzanna Peplowska-The Law of Yachts and YachtingDabrowskaSecond EditionEdited by Filippo Lorenzon and Richard ColesFor more information about this series,please visit:www.routledge.com/Maritime-and-Transport-Law-Maritime Liabilities in a Global and RegionalLibrary/book-series/MTLLContextEdited by Baris Soyer and Andrew TettenbornNew Technologies.Artificial Intelligence andShipping Law in the 2Ist CenturyEdited by Baris Soyer and Andrew Tettenborn
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