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ContractLaw ofatarILIAS BANTEKAS&AHMED AL-AHMEDCONTRACT LAW OF OATARAs Oatar's aspirations of becoming a key location for intemational dispute settle-ment and international trade grow,so too does the importance of understandingprivate law in Oatar and the Gulf states.In this innovative book,Ilias Bantekas andAhmed Al-Ahmed provide an original,English-language treatise on the contractlaw of Oatar.Using an abundance of case law,the authors combine scholarlyand practice-oriented expertise to develop a comprehensive treatment of Oataricontract law.The analysis is drawn from a wealth of judgements from the OatariCourt of Cassation and Court of Appeal,much of which was previously inac-cessible to readers.Bringing sophisticated,detailed insights on Oatari law to anEnglish-speaking legal audience,this is a vital text for academics,practitionersand students who wish to comprehend this increasingly influential global player.This title is available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.Ilias Bantekas is Professor of Transnational Law at Hamad bin Khalifa University(Oatar Foundation)and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University.He has authored more than zo0 articles in leading peer-reviewed journals,as wellas 20 books,including Islamic Contract Law (co-author,2023),Introduction toAhmed Al-Ahmed is a Former Legal Counsel at Oatar Energy and Former SeniorMarketer at Oatar Petroleum for the Sale of Petroleum Products Company Lim-ited.He has 15 years of experience in the Oil Gas industry in commercial opera-tions and trading of crude oil and its by-products.He provided legal advice onQatar Energy's new business development activities and was responsible for draft-ing relevant agreements,regulatory approvals and venture setups.
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