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Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and LawCONTRACTLAWRules,Theory,and ContextBrian H.BixCAMBRIDGECONTRACT LAWTo gain a deep understanding of contract law,one needs to master not only the rules andprinciples of the field but also its underlying theory and justification,and its long andintricate history.This book offers an accessible introduction to all aspects of Americancontract law,useful to both first-year law students and advanced contract scholars.Thebook is grounded on up-to-date scholarship and contains detailed references to cases,from contract formation through interpretation and remedies,considering both thepractical and the theoretical aspects throughout.Each chapter also includes helpful listsof suggested further reading.Brian H.Bix is the Frederick W.Thomas Professor of Law and Philosophy at theUniversity of Minnesota.Before teaching at the University of Minnesota,Professor Bixhad full-time appointments at King's College London and Quinnipiac Law School,andhe has had visiting positions at Georgetown University Law Center,George WashingtonLaw School,University of Haifa,and Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.He is a memberof the American Law Institute and a Reporter for the Uniform Law Commission.Hehas published widely in contract law,jurisprudence,and family law.He has written,edited,or coedited fourteen books and more than a hundred articles.Bix's work has beentranslated into seven languages,and he has given invited lectures in countries all overthe world.
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