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THEGREATTopicSubtopicCOURSESProfessionalLawLaw Schoolfor EveryoneContractsCourse GuidebookProfessor David HortonUniversity of California,Davis,School of LawPUBLISHED BY:THE GREAT COURSESCorporate Headquarters4840 Westfields Boulevard Suite 500Chantilly,Virginia 20151-2299Phone1.800.832.2412|Fax703.378.3819www.thegreatcourses.comCopyright The Teaching Company,2019Printed in the United States of AmericaThis book is in copyright.All rights reserved.Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above,no part of this publicationmay be reproduced,stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form,or by any means (electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise),without the prior written permission of The Teaching Company.David Horton,JDProfessor of LawUniversity of California,Davis,School of Lawavid Horton is a Professor of Lawat the University of California,Davis,School of Law.He earnedhis BA cum laude from Carleton Collegeand his JD from the University ofCalifornia,Los Angeles,School of Law,where he was elected to the Order ofthe Coif and served as chief articles editor of the UCLA Law Review.Aftergraduating,Professor Horton clerked for the Honorable Ronald M.Whyteof the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.Professor Horton is the coauthor of two casebooks:the eighth edition of Cases,Problems,and Materials on Contracts(with Douglas Whaley)and Wills,Trusts,and Estates:The Essentials(with Reid Weisbord and Stephen Urice).He hasalso published more than 30 law review articles in venues such as The YaleLaw Journal,Stanford Law Review,New York University Law Review,CaliforniaLaw Review,Duke Law Journal,Northwestern University Law Review,and TheGeorgetown Law Journal.Professor Horton's academic writing has won The Association of AmericanLaw Schools'Scholarly Papers Competition and the Mangano DisputeResolution Advancement Award.In 2017,he was selected as a UC DavisChancellor's Fellow.Professor Biography
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