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Construction Contract Variations

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Construction Contract Variations
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CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTVARIATIONSMICHAEL SERGEANTMAX WIELICZKOHOLMAN FENWICK WILLAN LLPinforma lawfrom RoutledgeCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT VARIATIONSChanges to the work on construction projects are a common cause of dispute.Such variations lead tothousands of claims in the UK every year and many more internationally.Liability for variations isnot only relevant to claims for sums due for extra work,but is also an important underlying factor inmany other construction disputes such as delay,disruption,defects and project termination.This isthe first book to deal exclusively with variations in construction contracts and provide the detailed andcomprehensive coverage that it demands.Construction Contract Variations analyses the issues that arise in determining whether certain work isa variation,the contractor's obligation to undertake such work,as well as its right to be paid.It dealswith the employer's power to vary and the extent ofits duties to approve changes.The book also analy-ses the role of the consultant in the process and the valuation of variations.It reviews these topics byreference to a range of construction contracts.This is an essential guide for practitioners and industry professionals who advise on these issues andhave a role in managing,directing and compensating change.Participants in the construction industrywill find this book an invaluable guide,as will specialists and students of construction law,projectmanagement and quantity surveying.Michael Sergeant graduated in law from Manchester University in 1991,qualified as a solicitor in1995,and has specialised in construction law ever since.He became a partner at the construction lawniche practice Winward Fearon in 2001,which merged to become Maxwell Winward in 2007.In April2013,the Maxwell Winward construction team moved to Holman Fenwick Willan LLP.where he isnow a partner,based in London but with extensive involvement on international projects.During thecourse of his career he has acted for a range of clients,including contractors,employers and consult-ants,and on a wide variety of projects from retail development to transport infrastructure throughto energy facilities.His work involves him in advising at all stages of the construction process,fromprocurement through to dealing with the problems that arise during the life cycle of a project.Max Wieliczko studied law at University College London.He has worked exclusively as a construc-tion lawyer since 1987,providing advice in relation to all aspects of project procurement,delivery,dispute avoidance and resolution.Before moving to Holman Fenwick Willan LLP in April 2013 heheaded up the construction group at Winward Fearon,and then Maxwell Winward.Max is based inLondon,but advises project sponsors,and major international construction companies in relation toprojects around the globe,both on-and offshore.His work has a particular focus on heavy engineering,including oil and gas production,tunnelling and infrastructure,all manner of process plants,includingenergy from waste facilities,power stations and wind farms.CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE SERIESJulian Bailey(2011)Remedies in Construction LawRoger ter Haar QC and Camilla ter Haar(2010)Cyril Chern(2010)Ellis Baker,Ben Mellors,Scott Chalmers and Anthony Lavers(2009)Construction Insurance and UK Construction ContractsMarshall Levine and Roger ter Haar QC(2008)Construction InsuranceMarshall Levine and Roger ter Haar QC(1991)
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