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Cheshire,Fifoot Furmston'sLAW OFCONTRACT16TH EDITIONMICHAELFURMSTONPreface to the Sixteenth EditionLaw TroveCONTRACTCheshire,Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract(16th edn)M P FurmstonPublisher:Oxford University PressPrint Publication Date:Aug 2012Print ISBN-13:9780199568345Published online:Jun 2013D0110.1093he/9780199568345.001.0001Preface to the Sixteenth Edition aIt is six years since the last edition of this work was published.This is the longest gap in thehistory of the book and was due principally to the demands of a return to full-time teaching andadministration.Those concerned at Oxford University Press have been patient andencouraging.The flow of new material has,if anything,increased.There have been particularly importantdecisions of the House of Lords/Supreme Court in RTS Flexible Systems v Muller;Chartbrookv Persimmon;Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National;Stone and Rolls v Moore Stephens;The Golden Victory;and The Achilleas and of the Privy Council in Macleod v Macleod.Therehave of course been many other interesting cases.For me a major event since the last edition has been the death of Brian Simpson before he wasable to review Chapter 1.Brian and I were colleagues at Oxford long ago and indeed forseveral years we and our families shared the same house.He will be greatly missed.ProfessorDavid Ibbetson has kindly reviewed the text of this chapter.Professor Brenda Sufrin has continued to devote her expertise in competition law to therevision of what is now virtually the whole of Chapter 10 with the greatly reduced discussion ofwagering contracts.Preface to the Sixteenth EditionThe writing of a book like this generates many debts.Five new generations of students inSingapore have been a pleasure to teach and Lim Siew Mei Regina and Lam Kar Yee haveprovided invaluable research assistance.The physical production of the text and indeed theorganisation of my daily life owe a great deal to Angie Choo Kum Woon.My wife,my childrenand now my grandc hildren continue to display remarkable patience and tolerance.Mic hael FurmstonBridgwater
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