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eleventh editionROUTLEDGEthe modern lawof contractRichard Stone and James DevenneyThe modern Lawof ContractEleventh EditionThe Modern Law of Contract is a clear and logical textbook,written by an experiencedauthor team with well over 30 years'teaching and examining experience.Offering a carefully tailored overview of all key topics for LLB and GDL courses,thiseleventh edition has been thoroughly updated.The book also includes a number oflearning features designed to enhance comprehension and aid exam preparation.including:Understand and remember core topics:boxed chapter summaries offer a usefulchecklist for students,while illustrative diagrams help to clarify difficult concepts;■Identify important cases and assess their relevance:'Key Case'features high-light and contextualise the most significant cases;Reflect on how contract law operates in context:highlighted 'For thought'features ask students to consider what if'scenarios.while 'in focus'features offercritical commentary on the law:Consolidate leamning and prepare for assessment:further reading lists andcompanion website directions at the end of each chapter direct you to additionalinteractive resources to test and reinforce your knowledge.Clearly written and easy to use,The Modern Law of Contract enables undergraduatestudents of contract law to fully engage with the topic and gain a profound understandingof this fundamental areaRichard Stone is Emeritus Professor of Law and Human Rights at the University of Lincoln.James Devenney is Professor of Commercial Law and Head of Exeter Law School.This page intentionally left blank
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