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Bloom's Modern CriticalINTERPRETATIONSEdited and with an Introduction by HAROLD BLOOMN E W E DI T I O NWaiting for GodotSamuel Beckett'sBloom's Modern Critical InterpretationsThe Adventures ofThe Grapes of WrathPortnoy's ComplaintHuckleberry FinnGreat ExpectationsA Portrait of theAlice's Adventures inThe Great GatsbyArtist as a YoungWonderlandHamletManAll Quiet on theThe Handmaid's TalePride and PrejudiceWestern FrontHeart of DarknessRagtimeAs You Like ItI Know Why theThe Red Badge ofThe Ballad of the SadCaged Bird SingsCourageCafeThe IliadThe Rime of theBelovedJane EyreAncient MarinerBeowulfThe Joy Luck ClubThe Rubaiyat ofThe JungleOmar KhayyamCereno,Bartleby theLong Day's JourneyThe Scarlet LetterScrivener,and OtherInto NightA Separate PeaceTalesLord of the FliesSilas MarnerBlack BoyThe Lord of the RingsSong of SolomonThe Bluest EyeLove in the Time ofThe StrangerCat on a Hot TinCholeraA Streetcar NamedRoofMacbethDesireThe Catcher in theThe Man WithoutSulaRyeQualitiesThe Sun Also RisesCatch-22The MetamorphosisThe Tale of GenjiThe Color PurpleMiss LonelyheartsA Tale of Two CitiesCrime andMoby-DickThe TempestPunishmentNightTheir Eyes WereThe Crucible1984Watching GodDarkness at NoonThe OdysseyThings Fall ApartDeath of a SalesmanOedipus RexTo Kill a MockingbirdThe Death of ArtemioThe Old Man and theUlyssesCruzSeaWaiting for GodotThe Divine ComedyOn the RoadThe Waste LandDon QuixoteOne Flew Over theWhite NoiseDublinersCuckoo's NestWuthering HeightsEmerson's EssaysOne Hundred Years ofYoung GoodmanEmmaSolitudeBrownFahrenheit 451The Pardoner's TaleFrankensteinPersuasionBlooms Modern Critical InterpretationsSamuel Beckett'sWaiting for GodotNew EditionEdited and with an introduction byHarold BloomSterling Professor of the HumanitiesYale UniversityBLOOM'SLITERARY CRITICISM
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