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新概念英语〔第二版第三册)学习笔记4CONTENTSLesson02 Thirteen equals one十三等于Lesson03 An unknown goddess无名女神Lesson04 The double life of A1 fred Bloggs阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活20Less0n05 The facts确切数字…25Lesson06 Smash--and-grab砸橱窗抢劫.29Lesson07 Mutilated ladies残钞鉴别组35Lesson 08 A famous monastery著名的修道院39Lesson09 Flying cats飞猫.43Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic“泰坦尼克”号的沉没Lesson 11Not guilty无罪.54Lesson 12 Life on a desert island.60Lesson 13"'It's only me'“是我,别害怕”64Less0n14 A noble gangster贵族歹徒.69Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble五十便士的麻烦.75Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb玛丽有一头羔羊.…Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world世界上最长的吊桥Lesson 18 Electric currents in modem art现代艺术的电流.90Lesson 19 A very dear cat一条贵重的宝贝猫.96Lesson20 Pioneer pilots飞行员的先驱.101Lesson21 Daniel Mendoza丹尼尔.门多萨..105Lesson22 By heart熟记台词..110Lesson23 One man's meat is another man's poison各有所爱l16Lesson25 The Cutty Sark卡蒂萨克”号帆船.130Lesson26 Wanted::a large biscuit tin购大饼干筒.136Lesson27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy不卖也不买.142Lesson28 Five pounds to0dear五镑也太贵148Lesson30 The death of a ghost幽灵之死.161Lesson31 A lovable eccentric可爱的怪人.1167Lesson32 A Lost Ship沉船之谜.173Lesson33Aday0 remember难忘的一天.178LCss0n34 A happy discovery幸运的发现.185Less0n35 Justice was done伸张正义.192Lesson36 A Chanc心in a Million百万之一的机会.197Lesson37 The Westhaven Express开往威斯特海温的快车.204Lesson38 The first calendar第一本日历21lLesson39 Nothing to worry about不必担心Lcss0n40 Who's wh0真假难辨.220Lesson41 llusions of Pastoral peace宁静田园生活的遐想223第1页新概念英语(第二版第三册)学习笔记Lesson43 Fully Insured全保险.232Lesson44 Speed and comfort速度和舒适242Lesson45 The power of the press新闻报道的威力250Lesson47To0 high a pric心代价是否太高.255Lesson48 The silent village沉默的村庄.261Lesson49 The ideal servant理想的仆人.267Lesson50 New Year Resolutions新年的决心..269Lss0n52 Mud is Mud实事求是.275Lesson53 In the public interest为了公众的利益.285Lesson 55Lesson56 Flash无讲解.…301Lesson58 A spot of bother一点小麻烦(记叙文)303Less0n59 Collecting收藏.305Lesson60To0 early and to0late太早和太晚309特别说明本文档根据新东方新概念第三册(第二版)网络课堂Flsh制作第2页新概念英语〔第二版第三册)学习笔记Lesson01 A Puma at large逃遁的美洲狮New words and expression生词和短语学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用学习关键句结构是则要把它放在段落结构或文章里puma n.美洲狮spot v.看出,发现=see,pick out,,recognize,,catch sight of强调结果,辨别出,看见,识别,发现--A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.--He has good eye for spotting mistakes.同意词:-find:强调发现的结果/find out:查出事实真相-discover:做出重大发现/notice:注意到-observe:观察/watch:观察活动中的人或画面Spot n.斑点--There is a white spot on the shirton the spot有两个含义:l>立刻,马上(at once,immediately)--Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.2>at the place of the action在现场-Wherever she is needed,she is quickly on the spot.Evidence n.证据(不可数名词)Evident adj.明显的,显然的/evidently adv.明显地,显然Evidence=proof(m.证据)--When the police arrived,he had already destroyed the evidence.in evidence显而易见的-He was in evidence at the partyAccumulate v.积累,积聚(强调积累的过程)--As the evidence accumulates,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.Gather vt.聚集,把某人召集在某处--The teacher gathered his students in the classCollect vt搜集,采集-Do you collect stamps?Yes,I collect stamps as my hobby.(n.业余爱好)Assemble v.集合,集会/装配--A large number of people assemble on the square.Hoard vt.大量的储存(-hoard up=store up储藏)-The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter(squirrel n.松鼠)(nutn.坚果)amass vt.积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品)--The clouds amassed above the hills第3页
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