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THE ACCLAIMED BESTSELLER BY THE AUTHOR OFTHE LANGUAGE INSTINCTHOW THEIND WORKSNITTY,LUCID AND ULTIMATELY ENTHRALLING'OBSERVERSTEVEN PINKER'Presented with extraordinary lucidity,cogencyand panache ..Powerful and gripping...Tohave read [the book]is to have consulted a firstdraft of the structural plan of the human psyche..a glittering four de forceHugh Lawson-Tancred,SpectatorIn this brilliant and controversial book,StevenPinker,one of the world's leading cognitivescientists,explains what the mind is,how itevolved,and how it allows us to see,think,feel,interact,enjoy the arts and ponder the mysteriesof life.And he does it with the clarity and stylethat earned The Language Instinct worldwidecritical acclaim and several major prizes.'Pinker has a knack for making the profound seem obvious ..A fascinating bagof evolutionary insights'Economist'A landmark in popular science...A major public asset'Marek Kohn,Independent'A model of scientific writing:erudite,witty and clear.An excellent bookSteve Jones,New York Review of Books'Marks out the territory on which the coming century's debate about humannature will be held'Oliver Morton,The New YorkerPinker has a remarkable capacity to explain difficult ideas and he writes withthe comic verve of Martin Amis or Woody Allen ..How the Mind Works willchange the way your mind works'Elaine Showalter,The TimesCover illustration by Ilavenil SubbiahAuthor photograph:Bethany VersoyPENGUINISBN0-14-024491-3Science90201U.K.f9.99AUsT.$19.95(recommended)978014024491PENGUIN BOOKSHOW THE MIND WORKS'A witty,erudite,stimulating and provocative book that throws muchnew light on the machinery of the mind.An important book''He has a great deal to say,much of it ground-breaking,some of ithighly controversial...a primer in remarkable science writing'Simon Garfield,Mail on Sunday'As lengthy as it is,it will produce a book in the reader's headthat is even longer.For it alters completely the way one thinksabout thinking,and its unforeseen consequences probablycan't be contained by a book'Christopher Lehmann-Haupt,The New York TimesWitty popular science that you enjoy reading for the writing as wellas for the science.No other science writer makes me laugh so much..He is a top-rate writer,and deserves the superlatives that arelavished on him'Mark Ridley,The New York Times Book ReviewThe humour,breadth and clarity of thought...make this workessential reading for anyone curious about the human mind'Raymond Dolan,Observer
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