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此书是霍格沃茨的图书馆里的藏书。关于霍格沃茨魔法学校历史的书籍,里面写了这样一些内容:在学校的范围内不能“幻影移形”、“幻影显形”;创始人认为男生比女生有着更不可靠的思想;会魔法的男生不能进入女生宿舍等事情。其中对密室的传说也有解说。哈利上二年级时,密室被再一次打开后,赫敏从图书馆里把书借出来。另外,书中还记载了霍格沃茨空中的魔法、麻瓜使用的魔法替代品——像蒸汽机和电脑;因为使用了魔法,麻瓜看到的霍格沃茨只是一堆废墟等内容。 哈利、罗恩为什么不读这本书 读这本书,每次赫敏问他俩“什么时候开始读这本书”时,一边带着讽刺的语气,一边提问他俩有关霍格沃茨的知识。赫敏也只是一副心如死灰的表情:“哎呀,也许你们读书的时间快到了。”罗琳说借此机会从赫敏的口中得到有关霍格沃茨的新信息,为了这个目的,“哈利和罗恩才没有读《霍格沃茨,一段校史》”。

J.K.罗琳 魔幻·科幻


她叫海瑞塔·拉克斯(Henrietta Lacks),但科学家们只知道“海拉”(HeLa)。她是美国南方的贫穷烟农,在她的黑奴祖先世代耕种的土地上生活。她患宫颈癌后,肿瘤细胞被医生取走,并成为医学史上首例经体外培养而“永生不死”的细胞,解开了癌症、病毒、核辐射如何影响人体的奥秘,促成了体外受精、克隆技术、基因图谱等无数医学突破,涉及几乎所有医学研究领域,并贡献多个诺贝尔奖。她的细胞是无价之宝,但是她的家人却毫不知情地生活在贫困中,海瑞塔·拉克斯的名字也无人知晓。当二十年后她的女儿惊闻她还“活着”时,惊恐万状、哀痛欲绝:几十年来科学家都把她关在地下室做实验吗?像《侏罗纪公园》里那样把她克隆了吗?她的细胞在核实验中被炸碎她会感到痛吗? 美国作家丽贝卡?思科鲁特耗时十年挖掘这段跨越近一个世纪的精彩历史,记述拉克斯一家如何用一生的时间来接受海拉细胞的存在,以及这些细胞永生的科学原理,揭开人体实验的黑暗过去,探讨医学伦理和身体组织所有权的法律问题,以及其中的种族和信仰问题。本书细腻地捕捉了科学发现中的动人故事,及其对个体的深远影响。本书出版之后,在外界的捐赠下,家人终于为海瑞塔树立了墓碑,碑上镌刻着“永生的海拉细胞,将永远造福人类”,对海拉细胞为人类做出的贡献进行了完美注解。 本书已被翻译成二十多种语言,并被美国HBO公司改编为电影,奥普拉·温弗瑞倾情主演,获艾美奖、美国评论家选择奖等多项提名。

丽贝卡·思科鲁特 经济

The Room Where It Happened:A White House Memoir

John Bolton served as National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump for 519 days. A seasoned public servant who had previously worked for Presidents Reagan, Bush #41, and Bush #43, Bolton brought to the administration thirty years of experience in international issues and a reputation for tough, blunt talk. In his memoir, he offers a substantive and factual account of his time in the room where it happened.

John Bolton Politics


《时间简史》是英国物理学家斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金创作的科普著作,首次出版于1988年。 全书共十二章,讲述了关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识,包括:我们的宇宙图像、空间和时间、膨胀的宇宙、不确定性原理、黑洞、宇宙的起源和命运等内容,深入浅出地介绍了遥远星系、黑洞、粒子、反物质等知识,并对宇宙的起源、空间和时间以及相对论等古老命题进行了阐述。 在该书里,霍金探究了已有宇宙理论中存在的未解决的冲突,并指出了把量子力学、热动力学和广义相对论统一起来存在的问题,该书的定位是让那些对宇宙学有兴趣的普通读者了解他的理论和其中的数学原理。 该书自1988年首版以来,已被翻译成40种文字,累计销售量突破2500万册,成为一本畅销全世界的科学著作。

斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金 科学

A Briefer History of Time

Stephen Hawking’s worldwide bestseller, "A Brief History of Time", has been a landmark volume in scientific writing. Its author’s engaging voice is one reason, and the compelling subjects he addresses is another: the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, and the history and future of the universe. But it is also true that in the years since its publication, readers have repeatedly told Professor Hawking of their great difficulty in understanding some of the book’s most important concepts. This is the origin of and the reason for "A Briefer History of Time": its author’s wish to make its content accessible to readers - as well as to bring it up-to-date with the latest scientific observations and findings. Although this book is literally somewhat’ briefer’, it actually expands on the great subjects of the original. Purely technical concepts, such as the mathematics of chaotic boundary conditions, are gone. Conversely, subjects of wide interest that were difficult to follow because they were interspersed throughout the book have now been given entire chapters of their own, including relativity, curved space, and quantum theory. This reorganization has allowed the authors to expand areas of special interest and recent progress, from the latest developments in string theory to exciting developments in the search for a complete, unified theory of all the forces of physics. Like prior editions of the book - but even more so - "A Briefer History of Time" will guide non scientists everywhere in the ongoing search for the tantalizing secrets at the heart of time and space. Thirty-eight full-color illustrations enhance the text and make "A Briefer History of Time" an exhilarating addition in its own right to the literature of science. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Stephen William Hawking Science


《哈利·波特百科全书(珍藏版)》是全球首部有关哈利?波特的百科全书,对《哈利?波特》系列小说中所有巫师的出身、经历、性格、姓名的由来,以及与希腊神话、罗马神话、圣经故事的隐秘关联进行了全新的破解,并从拉丁语、英语、法语、德语等语源角度,对魔法、咒语、绰号等神秘词语的出处和涵义做出了准确的阐释。 《哈利?波特百科全书(珍藏版)》内容庞大,体系完整,包括了1400多个词条,涵盖了J.K.罗琳所构建的整个哈利?波特魔法世界,对《哈利?波特》系列小说中呈现的巫师、麻瓜、妖精、怪兽、马人、狼人、幽灵、魔法、咒语、魔药、魔法物件、绰号、格言、俗语、地名、食物、饮料……进行了全面、详细、深度的解读。

哈利·波特百科全书编委会 魔幻·科幻



马里奥·普佐 推理·悬疑


一九五○年,美国黑手党教父之子迈克尔·科莱奥内即将结束在西西里的流亡生活,临行前接到教父密令,要求他将一个名叫吉里安诺的人带回美国。 吉里安诺是西西里岛深受民众爱戴的罗宾汉式侠盗首领。一九四三年的西西里民不聊生,农民只能靠黑市交易来生活。年轻的吉里安诺与好友皮肖塔因私运食品,在冲突中打死宪警,自己也身受重伤,大难不死后,被逼上梁山。从此以后,吉里安诺与皮肖塔召集人马,深入大山,劫富济贫,成为贫穷农民心目中的传奇英雄。 在整整七年强盗生涯中,吉里安诺不仅和宪警部队斗智斗勇,而且与以老谋深算的唐·克罗切为首的黑手党一决雌雄。在黑手党与罗马政府的勾结之下,吉里安诺陷入一场政治阴谋。在最后的关头,吉里安诺面临着理想与自由、正义与友谊、情感与道义的生死考验。

马里奥·普佐 推理·悬疑



马里奥·普佐 推理·悬疑


《神奇动物在哪里》是我多年旅行和研究的成果。追思往日岁月,那个七岁的小巫师,在自己的卧室里解剖霍克拉普,一待便是几个小时。我嫉妒他即将到来的旅行:从黑黢黢的森林到明亮的沙漠,从高山的峰顶到遍布泥潭的沼泽,那个全身被霍克拉普包裹得严严实实的脏兮兮男孩,等到长大成人的时候,会追踪本书下面篇幅中所描述的动物踪迹。我的足迹曾遍布五洲。我曾光临过野兽的巢穴、地下动物的洞穴、飞禽的窝巣,曾在一百多个国家观察神奇动物的奇特习性,亲身感受它们的本领,赢得它们的信任,偶尔我也用旅行水壶把它们赶开。 第一版《神奇动物在哪里》最早是在1918年受默默然图书公司的奥古斯塔斯·沃姆先生的委托而动笔的,他客气地问我是否愿意为他的出版社撰写一本有关神奇动物的具有权威性的手册。那时我只不过是一个在魔法部工作的下等雇员,所似迫不及待地想得到这个机会,一是为了増加我那每周两西可的可怜薪水,二是为了作环球旅行寻找新的神奇物种打发假日。《神奇动物在哪里》现在已是第五十二版。 这篇引言是为了回答自1927年本书首版以来,每周装在我的邮袋里不断寄来的、且最经常被问及的问题当中的几个问题。这些问题中的第一个是所有问题当中最基本的问题——什么是“动物”?

J.K.罗琳 魔幻·科幻



J.K.罗琳 魔幻·科幻

The Dream of the Red Chamber

Considered one of the greatest works of Chinese literature, this five-part story charts the changing fortunes of the Jia family. It sets worldly events - love affairs, sibling rivalries, even murder - within the context of the Buddhist understanding that karma determines the shape of our lives.

曹雪芹 Novel

Figgs & Phantom

From the Newbery Award-winning author of THE WESTING GAME, more clever riddles and wordplay, clues to be found, and mysteries to be solved! A Newbery Honor book The Amazing Dancing Figgs! While Mona hates all the attention her eccentric relatives bring to her in town, there is one Figg family member she likes: her Uncle Florence, the book dealer. But Uncle Florence keeps hinting that he\\\\\\\'s going to find his way to Capri, the Figg family heaven. And that means leaving Mona behind. Can Mona find Capri before it\\\\\\\'s too late, or will she learn that things are seldom what they seem when books are involved?

Ellen Raskin 经部

Gone with the Wind


Margaret Mitchell Novel

On China

"In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the first time at book-length to a country he has known intimately for decades, and whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. Drawing on historical records as well as his conversations with Chinese leaders over the past forty years, Kissinger examines how China has approached diplomacy, strategy, and negotiation throughout its history, and reflects on the consequences for the global balance of power in the 21st century. Sinceno other country can claim a more powerful link to its ancient past and classical principles, any attempt to understand China\\\\\\\'s future world role must begin with an appreciation of its long history. For centuries, China rarely encountered other societiesof comparable size and sophistication; it was the "Middle Kingdom," treating the peoples on its periphery as vassal states. At the same time, Chinese statesmen-facing threats of invasion from without, and the contests of competing factions within-developed a canon of strategic thought that prized the virtues of subtlety, patience, and indirection over feats of martial prowess. In \\\\\\\'On China\\\\\\\', Kissinger examines key episodes in Chinese foreign policy from the classical era to the present day, with a particular emphasis on the decades since the rise of Mao Zedong. He illuminates the inner workings of Chinese diplomacy during such pivotal events as the initial encounters between China and modern European powers, the formation and breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, Richard Nixon\\\\\\\'s historic trip to Beijing, and three crises in the Taiwan Straits. Drawing on his extensive personal experience with four generation of Chinese leaders, he brings to life towering figures such as Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping, revealing how their different visions have shaped China\\\\\\\'s modern destiny. With his singular vantage on U.S.-China relations, Kissinger traces the evolution of this fraught but crucial relationship over the past 60 years, following its dramatic course from estrangement to strategic partnership to economic interdependence, and toward an uncertain future. With a final chapter on the emerging superpower\\\\\\\'s 21st-century world role,\\\\\\\'On China\\\\\\\' provides an intimate historical perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the premier statesmen of the 20th century"

Henry Kissinger 史部

The Mysterious Benedict Society

When this peculiar ad appears in the newspaper, dozens of children enroll to take a series of mysterious, mind-bending tests. (And you, dear reader, can test your wits right alongside them.) But in the end just four very special children will succeed. Their challenge: to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and resourceful children could complete. To accomplish it they will have to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules. As our heroes face physical and mental trials beyond their wildest imaginations, they have no choice but to turn to each other for support. But with their newfound friendship at stake, will they be able to pass the most important test of all?

Trenton Lee Stewart 经部

The Brothers Karamazov

Anyone interested in the central question facing mankind will find `The Brothers Karamazov an essential guide. That question--on mans capacity for responsibility and the proper role of the state and religion--is posed throughout the story in dialogue and events, and is framed neatly in a 20-page section where Ivan presents a poem titled `The Grand Inquisitor to his brother Alyosha.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky Novel



Andreas M. Antonopoulos 行政法规

Disloyal A Memoir

He shows Trump’s relentless willingness to lie, exaggerate, mislead, or manipulate. Trump emerges as a man without a soul—a man who courts evangelicals and then trashes them, panders to the common man, but then rips off small business owners, a con man who will do or say absolutely anything to win, regardless of the cost to his family, his associates, or his country. At the heart of Disloyal, we see how Cohen came under the spell of his charismatic "Boss" and, as a result, lost all sense of his moral compass. The real "real" Donald Trump who permeates these pages—the racist, sexist, homophobic, lying, cheating President—will be discussed, written about, and analyzed for years to come.

Michael Cohen Politics



【美】理查德·A.纳克 魔幻·科幻

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